General Mills CEO says company will stay disciplined in M&A

General Mills CEO says company will stay disciplined in M&A

MINNEAPOLIS โ€” General Mills, Inc. will only make acquisitions โ€œat pricing that makes sense for our investors,โ€ said Jeffrey L. Harmening, chairman and chief executive officer.

Mr. Harmening made the comment Sept. 16 in response to a question from an investment analyst noting General Mills had been cited as interested in acquiring a major snacking company, a clear but unstated reference to Hostess Brands, Inc. With J.M. Smucker Co.  the winning suitor for Hostess (at a price of 3.3 times sales and 17 times EBITDA), the analyst asked whether snacking was a โ€œkey areaโ€ in which General Mills wanted to expand.

Declining to comment on โ€œa rumor or what has or hasnโ€™t transpired in the marketplace,โ€ Mr. Harmening said General Millsโ€™ merger and acquisitions objectives โ€œreally havenโ€™t changed.โ€

โ€œI will also remind you that weโ€™ve also said weโ€™ve been disciplined, and we are disciplined,โ€ he said. โ€œAnd so, to the extent we see something that we like on acquisitions, weโ€™ll certainly do that, but only at pricing that makes sense for our investors. And so I want you to know that no matter whatโ€™s transpired over the last little while in M&A, our position hasnโ€™t really changed. Iโ€™ve also read commentary, are food companies looking at M&A now because their volumes are down. The answer is no. I mean we donโ€™t play the short-term game. We go get brands we like, we hold them for a long time. We grow, and weโ€™ve been doing that for 165 years, and weโ€™ll continue to do that. And so what isnโ€™t going to be the case is that we see volumes going in a certain direction, therefore, we have to make up a gap. Thatโ€™s really not part of our plan.โ€

Also during the call, the General Mills executives indirectly commented on another pending industry transaction โ€” the separation of the Kellogg Co. breakfast cereal business from the snacking and other businesses into two companies. They were responding to a question of whether General Mills would be able to โ€œcontinue to gain shareโ€ in the future in a category that is not generating much growth.

Mr. Harmening noted breakfast cereal is still the top choice for breakfast in the morning, accounting for about a fifth of breakfast sittings. Additionally, he said the company has gained share five years in a row, growing 20% over that period.

โ€œWe have almost 50% of the categoryโ€™s new product volume, and I think itโ€™s 47%,โ€ he said. โ€œAnd four of the last five big items are from General Mills. So weโ€™re innovating well. Weโ€™re developing our equities well, we continue to grow. And so my expectation for our cereal business is that we grow a little bit every year and hopefully take a little bit of share every year.โ€

Regarding othersโ€™ views of the category, โ€œYou’ll have to ask the rest of the competitors,โ€ Mr. Harmening said.

โ€œBut we like cereal,โ€ he said. โ€œWe like our brands. I love how weโ€™ve been competing.โ€

Jonathon J. Nudi, president of North American Retail, called cereal a โ€œgreat categoryโ€ and promised General Mills will โ€œkeep investing.โ€

He continued, โ€œThe other question we get a lot is, what happens if one of our major competitors gets more focused? And what we would tell you is thatโ€™s actually a good thing. If you go back through history when the two major competitors in the category are supporting the category with marketing as well as innovation, the category does better. So we hope that everyone comes to play, and we can continue to grow those categories as we move forward.โ€